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4 Career Mistakes to Avoid in Your 30’s

The 30s is a time when people usually re-evaluate their career and life choices. Most are thinking of settling down, personally and financially. This is the time when you can really look at and make effort to grow in your career and make a name for yourself. That is also the time when you want to avoid making any career mistakes that could damage or put a dent on your professional life.

Professional choices that you make in your 30s really define the direction your career will take in the next 20 years. That is why everyone takes things more seriously in their 30s – planning for a future, planning for the retirement, making savings, etc. As you plan your career carefully, it is also important to avoid career mistakes that people tend to make. The tips we are sharing below will help you do just that.

Career mistakes to avoid in your 30s

1.    Not knowing your value

The biggest mistake that you can make in your career is undermining your own value. Whether it is in terms of the salary you should be getting or the role you should be in, know what you are worth. Thanks to rising awareness now, women around the globe are asking for an equal pay which is perhaps the greatest issue in corporate world.

Assess your experience, your skills, and your contribution to the company and ask for the salary/role/work you deserve. Don’t be scared to discuss a pay raise with your seniors. If you feel you deserve better, talk about it. Just because you are a woman doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get what you deserve.

2.    Not making a financial and career plan

Career and finance go hand in hand. But that doesn’t mean one needs to dictate the other. Don’t live by every month’s pay check. Make a financial plan and align your career with it. Think of all your goals, the investments you are planning on making and then create a plan on achieving those goals.

See what changes you need to make for your career before it is too late. Set your priorities right and start moving in the direction you want to see yourself. Whether it means changing your job, asking for a raise or starting something of your own. Set a goal and put in all your dedication and hard work to go after it.

3.    Staying stuck in the wrong job

It is safe to assume that by the time you move into your 30s, you are somewhat sure about what you want to do and the career you want to pursue. But staying in the wrong job can seriously make a big dent to your career and lead to a lot of stress. You won’t enjoy your work and that is going to result in dissatisfaction as well as drop the quality of your work.

If you feel you don’t enjoy the work you are doing, look for a change even if the pay is less. If you are good at it, the money will come slowly. But also, keep in mind your overall financial and career goals. Chasing money is not going to get you mental peace but money has its own importance.

4.    Having no work life balance

Loving your work or trying to grow in your career doesn’t mean doing all the work that comes your way. Learn to say no sometimes. If your plate is too full, you can’t take more because the quality of work will suffer and so will your mental health. Remember you have a life outside of work and you need to take care of it too.

Take time off from work. Learn to switch work off when you are at home. Pick up a hobby, hang out with friends, spend time with family. Do what you love. Working nonstop will only take you so far before you burn out. One way to deal with this is to try new things and routines and see what works best for you.

This Content has originally written by All She Things and published on September 24, 2020. No Copyright/IPR breach is intended.

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