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Tag Archives: Career Guidance

Top 5 Reasons Why Upskilling Can Transform Your Professional Life for the Better

In today’s world where professional competition seeking career growth has become as intense as it has ever been, upskilling is a vital factor that can transform your professional life for the better. Upskilling refers to the acquisition of new skills by individuals. This can happen on both a personal or a professional basis, such as expanding your education by taking …

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How a learning culture primes your organization for agility

If your organization struggles to keep up with the ever-changing realities of your industry — and of the world of business at large — your organization is not alone. For one, the current and ongoing digital transformation, the emerging skill gaps that follow in its wake, and the pressure to innovate and adapt to continuing change can all make for …

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Benefits of upskilling workforce in the age of hybrid working

Although we have begun to recover from the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic, one thing is sure; the hybrid work model is here to stay. Blending remote and in-office work, the hybrid model has forced many organisations to reconsider their talent strategies, employee experiences, and management styles, along with their technology infrastructure. This has, in turn, shed light on the …

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How to Successfully Negotiate Your Salary

Negotiating a salary is one of the fastest and easiest ways that you can increase your income. It simply takes a bit of courage, effort, and research. By negotiating, you can increase your salary by 20% or more quite easily. It’s hard to get that type of income increase from any bonus or raise! Many people are scared or timid …

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Important Questions To Ask Yourself For Growth

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the architect of your own growth? Isn’t it exciting to have power because is empowerment? Let’s look at the most pressing introspective questions: What is the most important skill that I would like to have a control over? Beliefs if wrongly developed can break you. It can limit our personal growth. …

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10 Essential Career Advice For Millennial

The best career advice for ambitious millennials 1.  WHEN MAKING CONVERSATION, ONLY SPEAK WITH PURPOSE AND INTENTION. DON’T SPEAK JUST TO FILL AWKWARD SILENCE. It’s okay to let the conversation fall silent. If you keep trying to use small talk to bridge the gap, people will get annoyed. It’s like when you write an essay and keep using filler words …

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How to Find A Job You Won’t Hate

If you do not know exactly what your dream job is yet, you have to read all the way through. We are going to dive into how to figure out your calling, the three most important things that lead to career satisfaction and then 7 step Love Your Career Formula that has helped hundreds of women determine what they want …

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How To Create 5-Year Achievable Career Vision Plan

Many people struggle with visualizing their future and wanted to know HOW to create that five year vision in the first place. STEP ONE: THE BRAINSTORM Creating your 5-year vision isn’t as easy as picking a goal out of thin air. (If you do it that way, you’ll realize that you’ll end up changing your goals very quickly and very …

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10 Professional habits to develop in your 20’s

Your twenties are a crucial time to develop professional habits as you transition into adulthood. Creating good habits early on will help you achieve your career goals and set the precedence for future success. The earlier you start, the sooner you’ll master your goals and get your bearings in a career you love, so whether you’re fresh out of college, …

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4 Career Mistakes to Avoid in Your 30’s

The 30s is a time when people usually re-evaluate their career and life choices. Most are thinking of settling down, personally and financially. This is the time when you can really look at and make effort to grow in your career and make a name for yourself. That is also the time when you want to avoid making any career …

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