Saturday , 27 July 2024
Recent Articles

Coaching & Mentoring

How Mentoring Helps to Develop Leadership Skills

Virtually all businesses understand the value of good leadership, and the importance for developing leadership capabilities in their employees. However, not as many organizations know how to develop leadership skills within its workforce.  Often, organizations will send staff to expensive off-site leadership training, and aren’t getting the results they want. The truth is, leadership is complex, and one-time training isn’t …

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Mentoring the future – Role of a mentor

What is a good mentorship? Good mentors are an integral part of leadership development. A good mentor should not only have knowledge but also should be able to impart that knowledge in an effective manner. They are expected to show enthusiasm and sincerity to help others succeed in life. Even though they are experts in their respective fields, they should respect the …

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How to Stop Over Thinking

Do you often find yourself spending inordinate amounts of time thinking about a particular situation? Do you dissect the ways you could have done things differently in the past? Or spend sleepless nights thinking about all that could go wrong in the future? If the answer’s yes, then it’s quite possible that you’re prone to overthinking — i.e. thinking too …

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How to Increase Productivity by Reducing Mental Clutter

Do you often feel like your mind is going at a hundred miles an hour? Like you have a hundred things to do but don’t know where to start? If the answer to both is a resounding yes, then we think we know what’s plaguing you. Simply put, in a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, it’s often hard to …

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Busting Myths about Anger

“Don’t be angry” Chances are that we’ve all been told this line at least once in our lives, just like “don’t be sad” or “don’t be upset”. Anger has a bad reputation and is a very misunderstood emotion. We believe that it causes us to say things we don’t mean and do things that could hurt others and/or ourselves. The …

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Signs of Unhealed Trauma

The unfortunate truth is that childhood trauma doesn’t magically disappear once you hit adulthood. Many of us grew up in pretty dysfunctional families. ⁠Whether it was your constantly fighting parents or a completely toxic environment that hardly resembled an average family, you likely experienced some sort of childhood. Unhealed Trauma may look like Low sense of self worthCodependency in relationshipsFear of being …

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How to become a Leader with higher IQ

Having a high degree of emotional intelligence (E.Q.) allows you to be able to relate and motivate others to share your objective and vision in a precise manner. Try these methods to dramatically raise your E.Q. and accomplish the unimaginable:  Increase your self-awareness. Have total faith and trust in what you do. Try not to compromise your values for any other …

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9 Steps for How To Stop Overthinking

You are a definite victim if you constantly brood about the past, feel miserable about the present, and worry about the future. Thinking is good. But excessive thinking can make you sick. Also called analysis paralysis, this is a kind of chronic behaviour that entangles you in a loop of negative emotions that come at you with great intensity. People often …

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Dealing with emergencies at work or in private life can be very frustrating and exhausting. It’s important that we know how to relieve stress naturally and relax regularly so that those small everyday troubles don’t pile up and become an actual threat to our physical and mental health in the long run. THE CON’S OF STRESS Stress is known to …

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Important Questions To Ask Yourself For Growth

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be the architect of your own growth? Isn’t it exciting to have power because is empowerment? Let’s look at the most pressing introspective questions: What is the most important skill that I would like to have a control over? Beliefs if wrongly developed can break you. It can limit our personal growth. …

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