Tuesday , 22 October 2024
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Tag Archives: Career

How to choose right career for yourself

The first step in our job search system is to self-assess and really know everything you can about YOU. After you have done this required self-assessment, then you’ll dive into discovering the ideal career for you.  In this post you will get to know how to outline your ideal career, how to research potential career fields, how to target careers, how …

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Top 10 tips for effective workplace communication

Even when we have the best intentions, things can get in the way, the message can get lost in translation or it can sometimes feel that no-one is listening. Getting your message across clearly and quickly and having positive, productive conversations can have a huge impact on business success. Here are our top nine tips for effective workplace communication: Hold …

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How to become a Leader with higher IQ

Having a high degree of emotional intelligence (E.Q.) allows you to be able to relate and motivate others to share your objective and vision in a precise manner. Try these methods to dramatically raise your E.Q. and accomplish the unimaginable:  Increase your self-awareness. Have total faith and trust in what you do. Try not to compromise your values for any other …

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10 Essential Career Advice For Millennial

The best career advice for ambitious millennials 1.  WHEN MAKING CONVERSATION, ONLY SPEAK WITH PURPOSE AND INTENTION. DON’T SPEAK JUST TO FILL AWKWARD SILENCE. It’s okay to let the conversation fall silent. If you keep trying to use small talk to bridge the gap, people will get annoyed. It’s like when you write an essay and keep using filler words …

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How to Find A Job You Won’t Hate

If you do not know exactly what your dream job is yet, you have to read all the way through. We are going to dive into how to figure out your calling, the three most important things that lead to career satisfaction and then 7 step Love Your Career Formula that has helped hundreds of women determine what they want …

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How To Create 5-Year Achievable Career Vision Plan

Many people struggle with visualizing their future and wanted to know HOW to create that five year vision in the first place. STEP ONE: THE BRAINSTORM Creating your 5-year vision isn’t as easy as picking a goal out of thin air. (If you do it that way, you’ll realize that you’ll end up changing your goals very quickly and very …

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How to activate the inner healer

Inner healing is the powerful existence of energy within us that we as a person consciously choose. The moment we awaken this healing power, the very moment, we are in harmony with our internal world and the external world. What we need to focus on is how we achieve this harmony and unlock our inner healer. The key to this …

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Rejection: Not the end of the road

Rejection can put you off but it’s not the end of the road. It is a part of life that everyone must face in order to succeed. While rejection isn’t enjoyable, it’s rarely fatal.  Try these strategies to deal with rejection effectively, so you can continue your way to greatness: Grieve and reflect a little. When something doesn’t work the way …

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