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Tag Archives: Finance

How To Make Your Money Work for You

Four ways to manage and use your money more effectively Money is a tool that can help you to achieve your goals. It can provide comfort and stability for your family, make it easier to plan for the future, and allow you to save towards important milestones. But to achieve these things, you need to know how to make your …

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How To Manage Your Money As A Newly Married Couple

As a newly married couple, it’s easy to get swept away in the excitement of it all and forget to discuss your finances. Did you know though, that money is one of the main reasons for divorce? In fact, in 2 out of every 5 couples, one spouse admits to lying to his or her partner about money, according to a survey. …

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How to Manage Debt to find the right balance

How many of us make major purchases in our everyday lives without thinking twice? The answer could vary from person to person, but more often than not, we do think a bit before making a big purchase. There are also a few situations in life, wherein we may not possess the adequate amount of capital that’s required for big-ticket life …

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Personal Finance Tips For Smart Women in Their 20s

Some people faces anxiety, depression, self confidence issues, career struggles, debt, and a whole lot of other garbage that took years to overcome. In fact, they try to figure out who I am and what I stand for. If you’re facing similar struggles, know that things are only going to get better! Every small bit of progress you make is …

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You might have heard of the 50/30/20 rule before which is also known as the “budget rule”. This budget rule has been around for quite a bit now and it was made popular by Senator Elizabeth Warren. This basic budget rule is meant to help you divide up your after-tax income (take-home pay) and put 50% towards needs- such as …

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Tips for Woman to Take Care of Her Money

There are many different things that women should be concerned about when it comes to their finances. This is especially true in this day and age when the conditions in the financial sector are changing so much. The LXME Survey 2020 found that 66% of unmarried women claim they don’t make financial decisions independently, and 28% rely on their dads. The percentage …

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10 tips on How to Utilize Your Time To The Fullest To Enhance Your Wealth

We know too well that money is precious. However, we usually ignore another precious resource, time. We should value time as much as we value money—wasting it is similar to wasting money. Here are some useful tips on how to utilise your time to the fullest to enhance your wealth.1. Create a Schedule How to go about it: List all your …

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Understand SIP And Its Benefits

What is SIP and Its Advantages? A Systematic Investment Plan is commonly known as SIP. In this plan, you can regularly invest a fixed amount in your preferred Mutual Fund scheme. Here, a fixed amount is deducted each month from your savings account. This amount is then invested in the Mutual Fund of your choice. Advantages of investing in SIP: …

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How to Live a Debt Free Life and Ways to Build Wealth

Are you tired of your debt weighing you down? Do you feel like you’ll never get ahead on your debt payments? That’s a massive financial burden. Whether your debt consists of a mortgage, credit cards, car loans, or student loans, it’s time to get out of debt fast. Stop letting your debt control your life. This guide is going to help you live …

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4 Personal Finance Mistakes to avoid in your 30s

When it comes to financial planning, the 30s are a crucial period of your life. By this time, most of us have figured out a career path, have a regular income, are married and some of us might even be proud parents. During this period of your life, you have greater responsibilities as compared to in your 20s. So, it …

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