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Tag Archives: Entrepreneur Essentials

Key Things To Keep In Mind Before Hiring Employees For Your Startup

As a small business owner, it’s likely you’ll be hiring your first employee at some point. While hiring employees is a core part of running a business, the process can be intimidating — especially since the wrong hire costs both time and money. But the right hire will be a boon to your business, and play a pivotal role in …

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Step By Step Guide For Startup Budgeting

Every dollar plays an essential role in a startup budget. On top of that, many startups adopt aggressive growth-hacking practices, aiming to make the greatest impact with the smallest amount of money. That leaves little room for vague financial planning and surprise cash shortfalls. Yet one survey showed that 61% of small business owners don’t have an official budget. Budgeting and …

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Top 10 Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs And Solutions To It

Entrepreneurs face many challenges in today’s ultra-competitive business world. Fortunately, entrepreneurs also have more resources than ever before to tackle those problems. The following 10 challenges are faced by many entrepreneurs today. Perhaps you’ve run up against some of them already. Read on to learn why each challenge exists, and to get solutions and workarounds so you can operate your …

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The Importance of Networking as an Entrepreneur

Building your network is a key component to the ongoing success of your startup. Starting a business is always going to be a difficult endeavor that requires a large number of factors to go in your favor. However, there are many things that you can do to increase your chances for success. If you’ve ever started your own business, you …

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How to Raise Funds For Startups

If you are planning to launch your startup in India there couldn’t be a better time in the country’s history. The startup ecosystem is thriving like never before, and the environment is ripe for entrepreneurs to succeed. The key to success for any startup is a combination of planning, foresight, and finding the right set of investors. Firstly, startups that …

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Common Branding Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make

As an Entrepreneur trying to make your mark in the professional world, it’s easy to put your branding strategy on the back burner while you focus on product development, funding, and other important tasks. But the truth is that even a great product won’t sell itself–you need to cultivate an impression about your company that will make your product (or …

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Difference between Branding and Marketing

People are often confused about the difference between branding and marketing. They don’t really know what each is and which one to focus on to grow their business. The answer is actually both. Branding and marketing each have their own definition and place in building a business, but one can’t work well without the other. But before you can use …

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Habits of Lady Bosses That Makes Them to Stand Out

The Girl boss is the one thing you want to be. You’ve decided on your dream, you have gone after your goals, may or may not have achieved them, and maybe you’ve adopted the habits every Girl Boss has to the extreme and yet you wonder ‘what does she have that I don’t?’ Below 10 things you might be overlooking …

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Dos and Don’ts for Entrepreneurs

Young entrepreneurs go through many ups and downs. It has its own perils and advantages. As young entrepreneurs ourselves, we truly believe that the advantages surpass the disadvantages. We have made many risky decisions in our lives like true entrepreneurs need to. We left a company wherein we received a hefty paycheck every month, to start a life of no …

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7 Ways to Build Personal Brand for Women

The issue of personal branding remains more topical for female entrepreneurs, as women still have to self-define themselves in the world of gender stereotypes and leadership gap. Traditional gender expectations, confidence gap, and other challenges women overcome today all influence two elements of their brand-building: Outer: dress code, a manner of speaking, self-presentation.Inner: self-perception, a vision of the future, self-identification. A woman can influence …

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