Saturday , 27 July 2024
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Career & Business

What Is Peer-To-Peer Lending And How Does It Work?

India has always had a culture of people lending money to each other. Be it within business communities where people borrow money to meet working capital requirements or extended families helping each other out in an emergency. Most of this lending is based on trust with no guarantee or collateral to back these loans. This traditional way of lending, just …

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5 Ways Leaders Can Grow Their Personal Brand on LinkedIn

How can leaders grow their personal brands on LinkedIn? With over 810 million members, LinkedIn is one of the largest social networking sites for organizations and professionals. For lead generation, it is 277% more effective than Facebook and Twitter.  The purpose of LinkedIn is to drive customers to your brand at the same time as enhancing your professional reputation. Become an active …

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5 Things You Should Do Before Investing Money

Now, the easiest way to make your money while you sleep is by investing. However, if the investments are not done in a planned manner with a proper objective in mind, it can even jeopardize your financial future. So to help you invest in the right manner, in this blog, we will talk about the things that you need to …

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6 Obstacles to Your Financial Success and How To Overcome Them

Not Having Clear Financial Goals  Have you ever just driven your car without a specific destination in mind? If you ever do this, more often than not, you will end up driving in circles and end up reaching nowhere. It is the same with investments. If you do not have clearly defined goals such as an investment target or a …

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How Mentoring Helps to Develop Leadership Skills

Virtually all businesses understand the value of good leadership, and the importance for developing leadership capabilities in their employees. However, not as many organizations know how to develop leadership skills within its workforce.  Often, organizations will send staff to expensive off-site leadership training, and aren’t getting the results they want. The truth is, leadership is complex, and one-time training isn’t …

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4 Reasons Why LinkedIn Is Important For Personal Branding

Here Are 4 Reasons Why A Personal Brand On LinkedIn Is Important LinkedIn is an extremely impressive platform if you take the time and energy to understand it. Instead of using it merely as a CV or lurker, you can build a strong personal brand on it.  Why you should have a personal brand Personal branding is such an important …

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Top 5 Reasons Why Upskilling Can Transform Your Professional Life for the Better

In today’s world where professional competition seeking career growth has become as intense as it has ever been, upskilling is a vital factor that can transform your professional life for the better. Upskilling refers to the acquisition of new skills by individuals. This can happen on both a personal or a professional basis, such as expanding your education by taking …

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How networking can build your Personal Brand

Networking is essential for business, and has always been one of the most powerful and effective forms of marketing for many professionals. Even top-level Director’s take time out of their busy day to meet up and network with likeminded professionals and industry leaders. While we could say that this is a way of keeping the best contacts and connections on …

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How To Make Your Money Work for You

Four ways to manage and use your money more effectively Money is a tool that can help you to achieve your goals. It can provide comfort and stability for your family, make it easier to plan for the future, and allow you to save towards important milestones. But to achieve these things, you need to know how to make your …

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How a learning culture primes your organization for agility

If your organization struggles to keep up with the ever-changing realities of your industry — and of the world of business at large — your organization is not alone. For one, the current and ongoing digital transformation, the emerging skill gaps that follow in its wake, and the pressure to innovate and adapt to continuing change can all make for …

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