Saturday , 27 July 2024
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Pista And Badam Modak

Modak is a traditional sweet dumpling which is known to be one of Lord Ganesha’s favourite sweets. And hence it is offered to Him during prayers at the time of Ganesh Chaturthi. Modak and ladoos are known to be his favourite sweets. Mostly people try to offer different types of sweets during this time and that is how we see so many different flavours of modak.

The pista and badam modak is flavoured with powdered pistachios and filled with chopped almonds. You can also add the almonds in the pista dough itself and make it too. This recipe uses mawa/khoa. The instant mawa will generally be sweet; in this case you can reduce the quantity of sugar added in this recipe.


  • Pista – ½ cup
  • Mawa/Khoa – 1 cup
  • Powdered Sugar – 4-6 tbsp (adjust as per sweetness of mawa)
  • Green Color – 1-2 drops (optional)
  • Almonds – ¼ cup, finely chopped


  • Powder the pista well.
  • Heat the khoa or mawa in a pan till it lightly heats up and softens. Alternatively, you can heat it up lightly in the microwave too.
  • Transfer this to a bowl.
  • Once it cools down, add the powdered pista, sugar and food color and mix well till it forms smooth dough. Add sugar only little by little. The quantity of sugar needed will depend on the sweetness of the mawa.
  • Shape these using hands or a modak mould after putting the chopped almonds in the center for filling.

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This Content has originally written by Sherin and published on September 2, 2021. No Copyright/IPR breach is intended.

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