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October, 2021

  • 10 October

    Tips For Start Selling Handmade Product Online as Side Hustle

    If you enjoy crafting as a hobby and have an entrepreneurial side, then chances are you’ve probably thought about trying to sell your items as a side hustle. Maybe you’re hoping that your part-time e-commerce business becomes successful enough for you to eventually ditch your 9 to 5 and take your hobby full-time. If you’d like to turn your passion …

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  • 9 October


    There are books to help you figure out a budget you feel great about, books to help you get out of debt, books to help you invest your money, and books that can help you navigate the sometimes-overwhelming world of finance. 1. Worry-Free Money: The guilt-free approach to managing your money and your life by Shannon Lee Simmons This book is hands-down personal finance …

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  • 9 October

    Personal Finance Tips For Smart Women in Their 20s

    Some people faces anxiety, depression, self confidence issues, career struggles, debt, and a whole lot of other garbage that took years to overcome. In fact, they try to figure out who I am and what I stand for. If you’re facing similar struggles, know that things are only going to get better! Every small bit of progress you make is …

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  • 8 October

    How to deal with the inner violence

    Look at yourself as an individual and see how many moments in a day you feel you simply cannot stand the person sitting next to you. Q: Washington Navy Yard is just another example of the rise in violence in America. What would you say is the solution to ending violence for good? Sadhguru: A few years ago when I was in …

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  • 8 October

    Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong After Having a Baby

    Parenthood will test you as a couple. Here’s how to pass. Of course, a baby is a bundle of joy, but parenting involves a myriad of challenges. Your relationship after the baby as a couple is bound to transform. Having relationship problems after a baby is pretty common. So, how to maintain a relationship, or how to keep a relationship strong after …

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  • 7 October

    8 Simple Steps To Host A Diwali Party

    Diwali is the time for everyone to come together, and celebrate the wonderful festival with all their loved ones. And, what better way to kick-start the festivities than a Diwali bash right in your living room? A party on this occasion is a perfect way to spread the aura of happiness that this auspicious festival brings with itself. However, the …

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  • 7 October

    How To Create 5-Year Achievable Career Vision Plan

    Many people struggle with visualizing their future and wanted to know HOW to create that five year vision in the first place. STEP ONE: THE BRAINSTORM Creating your 5-year vision isn’t as easy as picking a goal out of thin air. (If you do it that way, you’ll realize that you’ll end up changing your goals very quickly and very …

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  • 6 October

    5 Best Houseplants for Beginners

    These houseplants are the best place to start your collection. They are all easy to grow and can generally withstand erratic watering, uneven or bad light, and fluctuating temperatures. They will thrive in dorm rooms, offices, and sometimes even dismal corners. Golden Pothos There is a reason golden pothos is one of the most popular hanging plants around. In its native habitat, …

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  • 5 October

    Travel with a purpose

    You no longer just travel for the sake of fun, Instagrammable photographs or memories alone. Instead, you take a trip to learn a new skill. There is a different kind of travel that seems to be gaining ground. It’s called impact tourism, where you leave your footprints for a reason. You no longer just travel for the sake of fun, …

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  • 5 October

    How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Social Media

    Social media has become such a big part of our lives; we sometimes don’t even realize how much time we spend scrolling through our feeds. It’s the last thing many of us look at before we go to bed and the first thing we check when we wake up – but does interacting with social media hurt our mental health? …

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