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September, 2021

  • 14 September

    Sedentary Lifestyle: Effects and Tips to Overcome It

    When we give in to indulgences and fall into the trap of a sedentary lifestyle, we opt for minimal to no physical activity. Sedentary living has increased dramatically over the past few decades due to modern inventions that make our lives easier. People leading a sedentary life hate to spend energy or invest physical effort in getting their work done. Their inactive behavior involves tendencies …

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  • 14 September

    Safest Ways to Travel During Covid Times as per Experts

    01. How to travel safely during the COVID-19 pandemic With the second wave of pandemic slowly settling and restrictions cordoned off, people around India, and the world are beginning to travel. The phenomenon of ‘revenge’ travel, as experts call it, is slowly picking up with people who have been long confined to homes incling to step out. However, having said …

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  • 14 September

    How to activate the inner healer

    Inner healing is the powerful existence of energy within us that we as a person consciously choose. The moment we awaken this healing power, the very moment, we are in harmony with our internal world and the external world. What we need to focus on is how we achieve this harmony and unlock our inner healer. The key to this …

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  • 14 September

    How to Live a Debt Free Life and Ways to Build Wealth

    Are you tired of your debt weighing you down? Do you feel like you’ll never get ahead on your debt payments? That’s a massive financial burden. Whether your debt consists of a mortgage, credit cards, car loans, or student loans, it’s time to get out of debt fast. Stop letting your debt control your life. This guide is going to help you live …

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  • 14 September

    10 Professional habits to develop in your 20’s

    Your twenties are a crucial time to develop professional habits as you transition into adulthood. Creating good habits early on will help you achieve your career goals and set the precedence for future success. The earlier you start, the sooner you’ll master your goals and get your bearings in a career you love, so whether you’re fresh out of college, …

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  • 14 September

    7 Ways to Build Personal Brand for Women

    The issue of personal branding remains more topical for female entrepreneurs, as women still have to self-define themselves in the world of gender stereotypes and leadership gap. Traditional gender expectations, confidence gap, and other challenges women overcome today all influence two elements of their brand-building: Outer: dress code, a manner of speaking, self-presentation.Inner: self-perception, a vision of the future, self-identification. A woman can influence …

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  • 14 September

    Struggles Face by Female Business Owners and Tips to Handle them

    The reason for the almost exponential increase in women-owned businesses is connected to many of the struggles women face in the workplace. Typically, this would mean that someone launches a business to address an economic need. However, in this case, many women are jumping into business ownership for non-economic reasons such as gender discrimination in the workplace, a desire for …

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  • 13 September

    Review: Think Again- The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know

    Think Again is a book about the benefit of doubt, and about how we can get better at embracing the unknown and the joy of being wrong. Evidence has shown that creative geniuses are not attached to one identity, but constantly willing to rethink their stances and those leaders who admit they don’t know something and seek critical feedback lead more …

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  • 13 September

    Review: Rich Dad Poor Dad

    Just like everything else in life, our taste and preferences evolve with time. The first book that helped me see the world and money management in a different light is the ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki. This book is a must-read for someone who is new to the world of personal finance and wants to understand the ABCs of …

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  • 13 September

    How to Plan an Event: Event Plan Steps, Tips and Checklist

    Need to know how to plan an event? If you’re planning a big event like a conference, we can help you successfully create structure and lay out your event plan. Below will go over everything you need to consider when planning an event, including event planning steps, tips and an easy-to-use checklist. What Is an Event Plan? An event plan defines …

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