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December, 2022

  • 10 December

    Top 5 Reasons Why Upskilling Can Transform Your Professional Life for the Better

    In today’s world where professional competition seeking career growth has become as intense as it has ever been, upskilling is a vital factor that can transform your professional life for the better. Upskilling refers to the acquisition of new skills by individuals. This can happen on both a personal or a professional basis, such as expanding your education by taking …

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  • 8 December

    If You And Your Partner Do These 10 Small Things, You’re Meant To Grow Old Together

    When you get into a new relationship, you can never predict the outcome. But for the most part, growing old with your partner might be the ideal if that’s what you’re looking for. Unfortunately, it won’t be easy and not every couple is meant to last a lifetime. But if you and your partner already do a few small things in your …

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  • 3 December

    How networking can build your Personal Brand

    Networking is essential for business, and has always been one of the most powerful and effective forms of marketing for many professionals. Even top-level Director’s take time out of their busy day to meet up and network with likeminded professionals and industry leaders. While we could say that this is a way of keeping the best contacts and connections on …

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  • 2 December

    How To Make Your Money Work for You

    Four ways to manage and use your money more effectively Money is a tool that can help you to achieve your goals. It can provide comfort and stability for your family, make it easier to plan for the future, and allow you to save towards important milestones. But to achieve these things, you need to know how to make your …

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  • 1 December

    How to get Your Child to Listen Without Yelling

    Inside: Learn the best, most effective tips for getting your child to listen using positive parenting skills that contribute to your child’s emotional health.  Sometimes we need our child to listen, right away. As many parents begin to navigate positive parenting skills in an effort to raise emotionally healthy kids, some areas are trickier to navigate than others, and responding respectfully during …

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November, 2022

  • 30 November

    How a learning culture primes your organization for agility

    If your organization struggles to keep up with the ever-changing realities of your industry — and of the world of business at large — your organization is not alone. For one, the current and ongoing digital transformation, the emerging skill gaps that follow in its wake, and the pressure to innovate and adapt to continuing change can all make for …

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  • 29 November

    10 Insights of Remarkable Parents

    These insights collected over time and gleaned from experience, parallel what we know from current brain and behavioral research about what kind of parenting is most likely to contribute to the healthy development of children. 1. Know that kids will act like kids. Often parents forget that the way a child’s learning begins is by screwing up. Making mistakes. Behaving …

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  • 28 November

    How to Deal with Rejection: Healthy Ways To Process Getting Told ‘No’

    In life, we are going to interact with people who are going to tell us, “No.” Whether in relationships, job environments, or anywhere else we might request or propose something – rejection is something we will all experience.  Maybe we wanted a toy as a child, and our parents told us, “No.” Some adults feel so overwhelmed by the prospect …

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  • 22 November

    14 LinkedIn Strategies That Will Help You Grow Your Personal Brand

    A personal brand is your calling card. Just as you instantly know that Apple stands for easy-to-use cool and sleek, you too need to project a readily understandable, engaging image. That’s your brand. It helps sell and market you so you people know what you’re about. Here is where LinkedIn comes into play. It’s by far the best platform for …

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  • 21 November

    Mentoring the future – Role of a mentor

    What is a good mentorship? Good mentors are an integral part of leadership development. A good mentor should not only have knowledge but also should be able to impart that knowledge in an effective manner. They are expected to show enthusiasm and sincerity to help others succeed in life. Even though they are experts in their respective fields, they should respect the …

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