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February, 2022

  • 15 February

    7 Myths About Health Coaching

    Eat right, exercise daily, manage your stress levels – we’re all aware of things that are crucial to maintaining good health. So why do we struggle to keep at it, despite having all the information we need? It’s because ‘knowledge is power, but without action, it is useless.’ Often, people have a hard time putting things into practice since they …

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  • 12 February

    5 Best Books To Read For Beginners

    Thinking of giving reading a try? While reading can be healing, informative, and entertaining, it is super important to choose the right book, too. But let us tell you, you just made the best decision and a new world is waiting for you! Without much ado, let’s start exploring this list of 10 books to read for beginners. These books …

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  • 8 February


    An entrepreneur is someone who starts his or her own business. You might become an entrepreneur in 1st grade with a lemonade stand. Other people don’t want to have to leave the security of a paycheck and benefits. Ultimately, everyone is different and being an entrepreneur isn’t right for everyone. But, it could be right for you. So even if you don’t …

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  • 6 February

    Questions to Make Your Kid Really Talk- Conversation Starters

    How was your school today? The most annoying question for each kid asked by their parents. To connect with your child, you have to make them talk. But what type of questions parents should ask their kids to open up about their life. While sitting at family dinner try some fun conversation starters which encourage your kids to talk and you …

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  • 5 February

    10 Fun Things to do as a couple at home instead of breaking the bank

    Long working hours, having kids, so tired to go out, not having a budget or you are a lazy person. If you have any of these reasons, you might get bored and clueless about what to do on the weekend. You are looking for some cheap date night ideas at home to rekindle romance into your relationship. There are several …

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  • 5 February

    How to choose right career for yourself

    The first step in our job search system is to self-assess and really know everything you can about YOU. After you have done this required self-assessment, then you’ll dive into discovering the ideal career for you.  In this post you will get to know how to outline your ideal career, how to research potential career fields, how to target careers, how …

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January, 2022

  • 28 January

    How to Control Sugar Cravings

    Have you had a dessert craving so strong that only stops when you’ve finally given in? Your dinner doesn’t feel complete without candies. Or you crave chocolate at the same time every day. We’ve all been there. And in today’s age, where a slice of cake is a tap-of-a-button away, it takes a lot of self discipline to combat it. …

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  • 20 January

    Top 10 tips for effective workplace communication

    Even when we have the best intentions, things can get in the way, the message can get lost in translation or it can sometimes feel that no-one is listening. Getting your message across clearly and quickly and having positive, productive conversations can have a huge impact on business success. Here are our top nine tips for effective workplace communication: Hold …

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  • 18 January

    Are Carbs Good or Bad Choice During Your Weight Loss Journey

    Carbohydrates are often villainized when it comes to weight loss or overall weight management. While eating too many carbs can be bad for you, eating too much of anything is bad either way. In fact, the right amount of carbs in your diet can actually be super effective in helping you lose weight. The key is maintaining the correct portion …

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  • 18 January

    How to Turn Your Mom Guilt into Motivation

    Mama, have you felt guilty today? What a silly question. You probably barely got out of bed and were guilt-ridden with the thoughts that you overslept, didn’t prepare for the day, forgot something important for work, you name it. Our lives as moms are filled with guilt and it typically drags us down, fills us with dread and anxiety, slumps …

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