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December, 2021

  • 10 December

    How to Manage Debt to find the right balance

    How many of us make major purchases in our everyday lives without thinking twice? The answer could vary from person to person, but more often than not, we do think a bit before making a big purchase. There are also a few situations in life, wherein we may not possess the adequate amount of capital that’s required for big-ticket life …

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  • 7 December

    Adrenaline rush: Symptoms, causes, and meaning

    An adrenaline rush is one of the body’s vital defense mechanisms. A stressful situation will trigger the release of the hormone adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, into the bloodstream. The production of adrenaline occurs in the adrenal glands, which sit above the kidneys. Adrenaline is responsible for the fight-or-flight reaction to a threat, and it triggers specific processes in the …

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  • 6 December

    8 Tips To Maintain Feminine Hygiene

    Here are 8 tips to help maintain a superb feminine and female  personal hygiene routine that you want to make sure you’re doing daily.  Be sure to add these to your daily hygiene routine checklist. 1. Stop wearing tight fitted clothing Not only does it smother your body, it can limit movement and cause ingrown hairs where you shave.  Comfortably fitted …

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  • 5 December

    The Importance of Networking as an Entrepreneur

    Building your network is a key component to the ongoing success of your startup. Starting a business is always going to be a difficult endeavor that requires a large number of factors to go in your favor. However, there are many things that you can do to increase your chances for success. If you’ve ever started your own business, you …

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  • 4 December

    Thumb rules for personal financial planning

    Financial planning in India is the prerequisite of a successful and financially strong lifestyle and gives you the edge over risks and woes of low finances at the times of need. Proper financial planning allows you to meet your life goals and to fulfill your dreams through better avenues. It helps you develop a confident and disciplined outlook towards your future …

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  • 3 December

    Safety Measures for Children Every Parent Should Follow

    When it’s about the safety of a child, every parent in this world is worried. You can not be available each time when your kid needs you. The best way to keep your child safe is to teach general safety rules so your child will be prepared for any uncertainty. We should educate ourselves about safety measures for children to …

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  • 3 December

    Fear No Evil : Book Review

    Originally published: 22 November 2021 Author: James Patterson Preceded by: Deadly Cross Genres: Thriller, Suspense, Psychological thriller Fear No Evil is the 29th Dr Alex Cross mystery and as you’d expect from the thrill-meister James Patterson it’s a fast-paced, twisty adventure with a rip-roaring ending. Opening with torture and murder in the nooks and crannies of the Washington spy world, it leads to a deadly manhunt in …

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  • 3 December

    10 Tips for Mastering the Art of Public Speaking

    Few are immune to the fear of public speaking. Terrified of public speaking? You’re not alone. Following these tips will pave the way to speaking success. 1. Nervousness Is Normal. Practice and Prepare! All people feel some physiological reactions like pounding hearts and trembling hands. Do not associate these feelings with the sense that you will perform poorly or make a fool …

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November, 2021

  • 30 November

    9 Steps for How To Stop Overthinking

    You are a definite victim if you constantly brood about the past, feel miserable about the present, and worry about the future. Thinking is good. But excessive thinking can make you sick. Also called analysis paralysis, this is a kind of chronic behaviour that entangles you in a loop of negative emotions that come at you with great intensity. People often …

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  • 30 November

    4 Best Vitamins for Your Skin

    Getting the right vitamins Taking care of your skin should be an essential part of your health regimen. It is, after all, your body’s largest organ. The first thing most health professionals will tell you to do in order to keep your skin healthy is to limit your exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and wear protective sunscreen when you’re exposed to …

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