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Mental Exhaustion Symptoms & Recovery Tips!

8 Warning Signs You Need A Mental And Emotional Rest!

You know when you’re out of physical energy, but what about mental energy? These mental exhaustion symptoms might not be so obvious and re-energizing might not be as simple as a good night’s sleep.

Interesting fact: Albert Einstein had multiple sets of the same clothes so he wouldn’t have to use any mental resources making a decision about what to wear. There are reports that he refused to memorize his phone number for the same reason. Perhaps he was on to something.

8 Symptoms Of Mental Exhaustion

You’re losing your patience. It’s normal to be a little inpatient from time to time, but if you find your patience is wearing thin and you’re being short with your family or colleagues, this is a symptom of being mentally exhausted.

You’re suffering from insomnia. It takes you hours to fall asleep or you wake up frequently in the night.

You’re easily irritated. If you’re annoyed by the little things, that didnt usually bother you, that’s not a good sign.

You’re having anxiety or panic attacks. This is a warning sign that you’re mental health needs attention ASAP.

You’re unmotivated. Have you lost your drive to do the things you normally do? Feeling unmotivated is a sign you’re overwhelmed with life! Don’t give up on yourself and your goals. It’s time to re-charge, so you can re-focus!

You’re suffering from indigestion and tummy trouble. Our gut can reveal a lot about our mental health.

You cry out of the blue. Do you bust out in tears out of nowhere?

You feel detached. If you feel like you’re losing your grip on reality, that might be a sign you are mentally and emotionally drained.

Mental Exhaustion Recovery

Here are 10 simple suggestions to recover from mental exhaustion.

  1. Get a full night of sleep. Nothing seems to recharge our brains, intellect, and emotions better than a good night’s sleep. A regular bedtime and wake up time can help to ensure you’re getting enough sleep. Everyone has an optimum amount of sleep. Try to get yours each night.
  2. Build routines. Routines eliminate a lot of decision-making. Pay your bills every Saturday afternoon. Have a morning routine from the moment your feet hit the floor until you’re out the front door. The more decisions you can eliminate, the more mental energy you’ll have for the things that really matter.
  3. Mono-task: Study after study is showing that multi-tasking is simply inefficient. It takes time and energy to switch from one task to another.
  4. Give yourself regular breaks. Taking regular breaks results in getting more done. Even short breaks provide a mental and physical boost. A 15-minute break every 90 to 120 minutes seems to be best for most people. Experiment with different schedules.
  5. Get some exercise. Exercise clears the mind. The exertion coupled with an activity that doesn’t require a lot of thought seems to have a magical effect on our mental reserves.
  6. Eat wisely. Digesting food requires a lot of energy. Avoid hard-to-digest foods and heavily processed foods. In addition, foods that wreak havoc with your blood sugar should also be avoided. Food choices can significantly affect how you feel.
  7. Let go of the things that don’t matter. If you have a limited amount of mental energy, it only makes sense to save it for the things that matter. Most things in life aren’t worth a lot of fuss. Save your attention for the big stuff.
  8. Make a schedule before going to bed. When you start your day, it’s much easier and more productive if you already know what you should be doing. Before going to sleep, make a list of things to do the following day. When you wake up, you already know the plan for the day.
  9. Delegate. Save yourself for the critical issues. Assign tasks to others. Let your son take out the trash and give your employees additional responsibilities.
  10. Monitor your self-talk. It’s easy to wear ourselves out with negative thoughts. Keep your internal dialog positive and upbeat. This matters far more than most people realize. Conserve and build your mental energy in every way possible. You’ll feel and perform better in all facets of your life. Pick a few ideas and incorporate them into your life. Albert Einstein took it seriously, and many thought he had a productive life.

Take care of your mental and emotional health! If you’re experiencing mental exhaustion, it’s time to take a break and re-charge! You can recover from mental exhaustion, feel better and be more productive!

This Content has originally written by Steph Social. No Copyright/IPR breach is intended.

Click Here to read Original.

Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

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