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September, 2021

  • 13 September


    Propagating ZZ plants is a fun way to expand your collection, or share with friends. ZZ plants (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) are simple to propagate right at home. In fact, it’s something anyone can tackle, even the newest gardeners. ZZ PLANT PROPAGATION METHODS There are a few methods you can use to propagate ZZ plants. Whether you have individual leaves, stem cuttings, …

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  • 13 September

    Unique Ideas for a Hanging Garden

    Save valuable floor space with these hanging garden ideas Hanging gardens are becoming increasingly popular as plant enthusiasts look to save valuable floor space by getting their plants up and off the ground. Not only are hanging gardens practical, but they are a great way to spice up your interior decor. Sure, you could just hang your plants from hooks …

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  • 13 September

    Rule to make your beauty routine sustainable

    While there has been enough global attention given to making smarter fashion choices when shopping for clothes, not enough has been said about sustainable beauty. Especially, considering that the beauty industry has grown tenfold in recent years. The personal care industry is worth $500 billion per year, and one can only imagine the waste it produces. Considering that most beauty products …

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  • 13 September

    10 Sustainable Weight Loss ways in Your 30s

    Your health should be a main priority throughout your life, including in your 30’s. For some people, losing excess body weight can improve several aspects of their physical health, including their blood sugar and blood pressure levels, inflammatory markers, and mobility. Plus, reaching a healthy and sustainable body weight may improve your self-confidence, body image, health-related quality of life, and …

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  • 13 September

    Mindful Eating for Beginners

    Mindful eating is a technique that helps you gain control over your eating habits. It has been shown to promote weight loss, reduce binge eating, and help you feel better. What is mindful eating? Mindful eating is based on mindfulness, a Buddhist concept. Mindfulness is a form of meditation that helps you recognize and cope with your emotions and physical …

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  • 13 September

    10 Best Underrated Netflix Shows

    Finding quality online DVD rentals happens to be very simple these days, but sifting through the hundreds of available titles on Netflix can be challenging. There is a host of Netflix’s best shows that are overlooked due to other overhyped and popular shows. To assist you in discovering the jewels and avoiding the misses, here is the list of 10 …

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  • 13 September

    Parenting and Personality Type

    Parenting Style and Child’s Personality Type It is observed that child is surrounded by different family members, has different childhood experiences and external environment factors which can have a significant impact on a child’s personality development. This in turn has a direct effect on a child’s self-concept (perception of him/herself). Today, we find that many children are engrossed in social …

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  • 13 September

    “Stay-at-Home Mom” is also a Full-Time Job

    Yes, you read that right – Full Time Job! So many people roll their eyes on reading that a stay-at-home mom is a “full time job”. “She clearly doesn’t know what a full-time job means! She has probably never worked in the real world and then come home to do household chores!” And there are so many sighs of relief …

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  • 13 September

    New Habits to inculcate For Travelers Post Pandemic

    While quarantine fatigue and signs of reopening may be fueling your wanderlust, your first journey in the new world may not be what you’re used to. However that definitely doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t make the most of your journey. You’ve done the hard part, you’ve survived the lock-down and it’s time to reward your patience with some travelling. We …

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  • 13 September

    4 Personal Finance Mistakes to avoid in your 30s

    When it comes to financial planning, the 30s are a crucial period of your life. By this time, most of us have figured out a career path, have a regular income, are married and some of us might even be proud parents. During this period of your life, you have greater responsibilities as compared to in your 20s. So, it …

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