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December, 2021

  • 23 December


    Educating your child about the importance of saving their money is one of the lessons parents should teach their children at a young age. It can make the child analyze the difference between need and want. Some very simple yet effective practices can be used to teach them about financial management. Here are some tips you can use to help …

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  • 23 December

    Best Behind-the-ear Tattoo Ideas

    Tattoos behind the ear are the best ones to hide up! It is like a tiny secret that those creative people carry about in their pockets. A behind-ear neck tattoo may be difficult to notice; it allows you to indulge in that little secret only you know. 1. Date Tattoo Many people prefer to have important dates inked on their …

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  • 22 December


    Property is an asset that helps you reap numerous financial benefits. Whether you are looking forward to purchase property for investment purposes or for finding your new home, the banking sector provides many loan opportunities that are lucrative and beneficial. A home loan is a great form of financial assistance if you are short on cash, or are not in favour of …

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  • 20 December

    Signs of Unhealed Trauma

    The unfortunate truth is that childhood trauma doesn’t magically disappear once you hit adulthood. Many of us grew up in pretty dysfunctional families. ⁠Whether it was your constantly fighting parents or a completely toxic environment that hardly resembled an average family, you likely experienced some sort of childhood. Unhealed Trauma may look like Low sense of self worthCodependency in relationshipsFear of being …

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  • 20 December

    Road Trip from Delhi to Varanasi

    How often do you feel like travelling to a location that provides you inner peace and even exudes positive vibes? Well, most probably it is almost each month. But sadly, we can’t take out so much time out. The hustle and bustle of daily urban life at times drains out all our energy. It is then that we seek solace …

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  • 18 December

    5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Committing In A Relationship

    What to do before committing in a relationship? When the stars align — or when Tinder works in your favor — a new bae will enter your life, bringing on a whole new slew of ups and downs. But will it be lust (that deep craving for sex or for another individual) or love (a true, genuine connection and caring …

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  • 13 December

    Basics of exfoliation: Here’s how to get it right

    Let’s admit it; we’re no longer obsessed with just cleansing our skin at the end of a long day. In the pursuit of a fresh, glowing face, exfoliation is the next step. An add-on to one’s regular cleansing routine, the products for exfoliation come with multiple ingredients, varied formulations and sometimes complicated application mechanisms that are bound to perplex even the …

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  • 13 December

    How to become a Leader with higher IQ

    Having a high degree of emotional intelligence (E.Q.) allows you to be able to relate and motivate others to share your objective and vision in a precise manner. Try these methods to dramatically raise your E.Q. and accomplish the unimaginable:  Increase your self-awareness. Have total faith and trust in what you do. Try not to compromise your values for any other …

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  • 11 December

    6 Tips for NOT Gaining Weight While Traveling

    It happens to the best of us. We diligently follow our diets when we are home but let ourselves loose while travelling.While food is part of any vacation experience, it’s a bad idea to just eat your way through a holiday. Here are a few health tips to keep in mind while travelling. 1. THINK The journey to weight loss …

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  • 11 December

    Barbeque Style Cajun Potatoes

    Barbeque Nation Style Cajun Potatoes Recipe / Crispy Creamy Cajun Spiced Potatoes is one of the most popular food items we love to have whenever we visit the Barbeque Nation Restaurant chain in India. This Restaurant style Cajun potatoes recipe can be easily prepared at home and tastes similar to what we get at Barbeque Nation. This is one must try recipe for kids especially during festivals are …

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